My name is Tristan “Drostan” Green. During my conversion to Orthodox Christianity I took the name of St. Drostan. His name is the origin of my given name, Tristan. He was the abbot of a monastary in what is today the United Kingdom in the early 7th Century. Drostan or Tristan work for me.

I served in the Marine Corps Reserve as a Data Systems Administrator (0671). Ater my time in the service I worked on a government contract supporting the Marine Corps. Currently, I work as a Remote Engineer for a MSP in the Kansas City Metro area. I have experience with Windows Server, Office 365, VMWare, Hyper-V and Networking. Professionally, I have been a super generalist.

I also have a love of Free and Open Source Software and UNIX-like operating systems. From this love I have started a web hosting business, Frisky Bisuits Web Services. In this business, I am making my best effort to use Free and Open Source Software exlusively. I use Linux and FreeBSD on a regular basis as well as many other Free and Open Source Softwares.